Project Description

The Situation

Benin, a small country in West Africa, is one of Africa’s poorest. The key component for its development is undoubtedly schooling, considering that more than 60% of the population is illiterate and that no less than 40 ethnic groups with different languages cohabitate on the national territory. The majority of public schools have a chronic shortage of classrooms, teaching material and teachers, who are sometimes recruited and paid by the pupils’ parents.

Cotiakou is a small village in the far north of Benin, in the region of Atakora. The village, as capital of the district, is home to the primary school and, since 2011, the CEG (Collège d’Enseignement Général). Only three classrooms were available for the four classes. The teaching material provided by the school was limited to the desks.


Cotiakou is a small village in the far north of Benin, in the region of Atakora. The village, as capital of the district, is home to the primary school and, since 2011, the CEG (Collège d’Enseignement Général).

The Project

Your Life My Life has financed:

  • The construction of a library, which carries all the textbooks required by the ministerial programmes for secondary school teaching, as well as Beninese and international texts. Within the scope of the same project, geographical maps and a photocopier have also been provided. The library is open to all residents of the village, including the primary school teachers;
  • The expansion of the secondary school, by doubling the classrooms available. Now, the more than 300 students, split into the four-year academic cycle, have six classrooms. The doubling of the premises means that the necessity for double shifts can be avoided. The lack of space meant that teachers and students were forced to attend “in shifts”.
Produzione in loco di mattoni in cemento.

Production of concrete bricks on site.

Lavori di scavo eseguiti in collaborazione da studenti, insegnanti ed operai.

Excavation work with students, teachers and manual workers.

Le donne portano l’acqua per il cantiere.

Women carrying water for the worksite.

La costruzione prende forma.

The construction takes shape.

Stato rustico.

Rustic state.

La pitturazione.

The paintwork.

La scuola ultimata.

The completed school.

I primi studenti ad utilizzare le nuove aule.

The first students to use the new classrooms.

Benedizione dei locali da parte del parroco missionario fidei donum don Angelo Valente.

Blessing of the premises by the missionary priest Fidei Donum don Angelo Valente.

Targa di intitolazione della scuola a TINA CASTRIOTA.

School plaque in honour of TINA CASTRIOTA.


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